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Tune in to C21FM today from 10am

Today we hear from Johnny Kalangis, VP of digital at Toronto’s Cream Productions, about the making of virtual reality sci-fi drama Dark Threads, featuring Lord of the Rings star Dominic Monaghan.

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Johnny Kalangis

Dark Threads is the first virtual reality sci-fi drama from Toronto’s Cream Productions. An immersive experience featuring Dominic Monaghan, it allows participants to become a fictionalised version of the Lord of the Rings star.

The story takes place in the near future. Players assume the actor’s avatar, who discovers his memories are gone and must piece together clues with the help of a benevolent artificial intelligence. The title launched earlier this month on Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.

Dark Threads marks Cream’s first move into interactive drama production. VP of digital Johnny Kalangis spoke to Michael Pickard about the project, the challenges of VR storytelling and why social is the key to the success of the medium.

C21FM is live 24/7, with a block of interviews starting at 10am BST every day at


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