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Tune in to C21FM today from 10am

Today we hear from Alan Griffiths, founder of UK prodco World Media Rights, and Ralf Ruckauer, VP of unscripted content at Germany’s ZDF Enterprises, about Netflix docudrama The Lost Pirate Kingdom and the use of dramatic techniques to give factual programming broader appeal.

Tune in to C21FM by CLICKING HERE.

While historical programming has for years been associated with black and white archive and expert talking heads, producers are increasingly employing dramatic elements like CGI and narrative arcs to draw in broader audiences.

One series to take advantage of these techniques is The Lost Pirate Kingdom, made for Netflix by London-based prodco World Media Rights, together with Germany’s ZDF Enterprises.

World Media Rights founder Alan Griffiths spoke to Oli Hammett about how the internet is changing factual programming, how his company has been preparing for this for years and is helping shape the genre through its development and production processes.

German distributor ZDF Enterprises is handling international sales of The Lost Pirate Kingdom and its VP of unscripted content Ralf Ruckauer spoke about the series, how to balance factual and entertainment and the changing distribution landscape.

C21FM is live 24/7, with a block of interviews starting at 10am BST every day at You can download the audio from the C21 Podcast by CLICKING HERE.

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