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Home > Screenings > Encore Television Distribution > The Fisher King Race ('La course folle', original French title)

Director: Jean-François Fontaine

Producer: Julie Marcoux

Executive Producer: Valérie Beaulieu, Christine Simard

Writer: Hugo Bourque

Cast: Julien Boudreau, Dominic Éloquin, Maxime Poirieur, Olivier Renaud

Genres: Factual

Demographics: 18-30, 30-50

45 minutes

Every year in May, 325 crews from the Magdalen Islands take to the seas to catch lobster, a highly coveted seasonal commodity. And for very good reason! Lobster fishermen only have nine weeks to earn a full year’s salary, so the more lobster they catch, the more money they make. This fascinating series shows the passion, courage and determination of these men and women in the face of unpredictable weather and a potentially exhaustible resource.