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C21 Site Subscription – 12 months


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C21 Site Subscription – 12 months

A 12 month subscription to gives one person full access to exclusive news content, together with other unique resources and specialist content areas.

For multiple users, please speak to us about our C21PRO and Group deals! Contact the Subscriptions Team on +44 (0)20 87729 7460 or email [email protected]

As a site subscriber you get direct access to:

Exclusive Daily Programming News
More than 200 stories a week putting international television into perspective, researched and written by the most experienced editorial team in the business.

From daily interviews to live reports from markets and events around the world, C21TV is the world's leading entertainment business video channel.

Over 100,000 news and feature stories covering the international television business dating back more than 15 years.

Genre Specific Strands
Defined verticals pulling together all our coverage within FutureMedia, FormatsLab, Kids, Drama, Factual and Features.

Access the world's most powerful online screenings community and view over 2,400 trailers for more than 500 producers and rights owners.

Over 5,000 constantly updated companies and key contacts in the international content industry. From producers and distributors to broadcasters and channels, this unique resource allows you to develop new contacts worldwide.

And much more…

Please note the following:

  • Auto Renewal is enabled by default on all C21Media subscriptions and your payment details will be securely stored by our payment processing partner to enable continuous payment authority. Upon renewal, we will charge the subscription price in effect at the time using the same card that you previously used. We will notify you one month before renewal and you can opt out anytime by contacting the Subscriptions Team on +44 (0)20 7729 7460.
  • Our terms and conditions strictly prohibit the sharing of single-user subscriptions. For multiple-user options, please consider either C21PRO or Group Subscriptions.
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Price: £450.00

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