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C21’s Big Picture is an ongoing initiative to support positive change in and through the content business across four key areas of focus: inclusivity & diversity, sustainability & environment, business practice & operations, and content & storytelling.

Bo Stehmeier

CEO, Off the Fence

CEO, Off the Fence

Stehmeier is the CEO of Off the Fence. Stehmeier’s professional journey started in the UK with BA degrees in media production, finance and distribution, then to Rome for an MBA in film and on to London for a job in content sales for factual specialist TVF International and prolific UK producer Optomen. For the next 15 years his upward progress eventually led him to Red Arrow Studios International, where he served as president of Germany’s €500m multi-genre production and distribution giant. That kept him busy until 2020, when he was enticed to Amsterdam to head up Off the Fence (OTF) — returning to run a company at which he had worked as a MD of distribution in a previous incarnation. His love for all things visual, enchantment with the natural world and his intrigue with the Nordic mystical cultures has inspired him to write two books — Wake Up! Rise & Shine and Borealis — “to help adults reconnect with their true self and prevent little people from losing the innate knowledge we are all born with”.


Off the Fence

Off the Fence is an Academy award winning factual studio. OTF is involved in every aspect and facet of non-fiction programming. It produces, acquires, localises, and distributes programming via its network of creative and commercial offices in Amsterdam, London, Bristol and Toronto. OTF Originals has produced more than 700 hours of programming over the last three decades for the world’s A-list broadcasters, whilst OTF studios offers a suite of bespoke services to rights-owners, to help broker co-financing/co-production partnerships and handle finished programme sales. It also maximises project revenue and reach by crafting business models tailored to its clients’ specific needs. Most importantly, OTF believes in quality. This is reflected not only in the non-fiction programming it creates, represents, and helps bring to life, but also in its long-term relationships with the world’s top broadcasters and producers.