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Tune in to C21FM today at 10am

Today we hear from Bavaria Fiction’s Moritz Polter about resuming production in Germany and the Czech Republic; Keshet International’s Kelly Wright on how the company’s unscripted formats are back in action in Israel; and Bento Box Entertainment’s Scott Greenberg about how animation has survived the pandemic.

Tune in to C21FM by CLICKING HERE.


Moritz Polter, executive producer of international series at Bavaria Fiction, discusses how the company behind Netflix series Freud and Sky’s Das Boot is returning to production in Germany and the Czech Republic, while dealing with the challenges posed by insurance. He tells Drama Quarterly editor Michael Pickard about this and the broader outlook for domestic and international productions.

While Keshet International has had to press pause on some productions, including Apple’s recently announced adaptation of False Flag, production in Israel is starting to resume. Kelly Wright, senior VP of distribution and new business, talks with Karolina Kaminska about these developments and how post-coronavirus programming may look very different.

Fox-owned animation studio Bento Box Entertainment has been busy in lockdown, as production continues apace with the help of digital pipelines that make animation possible from home. Co-founder and CEO Scott Greenberg tells Nico Franks how the pandemic has sparked talks of the company animating previously live-action series that have had to shut down and whether the industry needs to rethink its approach in the wake of the pandemic.

C21FM is live 24/7, with a new block of interviews starting at 10am BST every day at

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