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Home > Screenings > Yomiuri Telecasting Corporation (YTV) > The Way of the Househusband

55min. × 10

Ryu was a legendary gangster known as the "Immortal Dragon".

After getting rid of his gangster ways, he lives peacefully with his wife Miku and daughter Himawari.

He married Miku with the firm promise that he would never get into trouble with anyone again. He makes lunch boxes for Miku on her way to work, and spends his busy days as a "full-time housewife" doing all the housework, including cleaning, laundry, and cooking.

Meanwhile, the Tenjakukai that Ryu used to belong, is in crisis. Then, an incident occurs that further increases the tension between the Tenjakukai and the Ohsiroyama.

Seeing the people he owes a debt of gratitude to being hunted down, Ryu can't leave them alone...