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Producer: Created by Nippon TV, Red Arrow Studios and July August Productions for Channel 7 (Thailand)

Genres: Entertainment, Format

Commissioned by: RTVE (Spain) for a 65 episode, daily stripped run; NPO Zapp (The Netherlands) for a 20 episode run across two seasons, Channel 7 (Thailand); ANTV (Indonesia); VTV (Vietnam)

In this fun and hilarious format, two teams of four players – each with their backs literally against a wall – battle it out in a variety of physical games, combining trivia, strategy, and chance.

The teams’ identical walls comprise more than 100 giant blocks. During two nail-biting rounds, wrong answers and bad judgments see blocks push out in a variety of combinations and speeds, forcing contestants into crazy positions to try and avoid being knocked into the pit below.

The team who keeps at least one contestant on the wall wins the round. The final sees both teams stand on their ledges above the pit. However, the leading team’s ledge is bigger. Incorrect answers make the entire wall creep forward, pushing contestants to the edge – and over it. As soon as one team has disappeared, the other is declared the winner and takes the big cash prize!