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Director: Ricardo Trogi

Producer: KOTV

Executive Producer: Louis Morissette, Louis-Philippe Drolet, Alain Chicoine

Writer: Kim Lévesque Lizotte, Louis Morissette

Cast: Anne-Élisabeth Bossé, Karine Gonthier-Hyndman, Rachel Graton, Marie-Ève Perron

Genres: Comedy

39 x 30’

Simone is a dramatic comedy where characters evolve in a realistic world. They are, however, faced with overwhelming situations where their values and knowledge are of no use. Cracks start appearing in the facade, and herein lies the humour. Indeed, the dichotomy between what the characters experience and what they projects is an infinite source of dark humour, sarcasm, and irony. The series demystifies, explains, and justifies the sometimes quirky behaviour of women : we don’t all aspire to the house-baby-marriage combo, there are often very good reasons underlying our outbursts, and we’re not really all that complicated. To put it simply, we are lonely women looking for love. As Simone de Beauvoir once said: “One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman”.