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Home > Screenings > Kansai TV > Elpis

Director: Hitoshi One

Producer: Ayumi Sano

Writer: Aya Watanabe

Cast: Masami Nagasawa, Gordon Maeda, Ryohei Suzuki

10eps x 54min.

Elpis is a socially-conscious drama series inspired by a real false conviction case. A once-prominent television anchor whose career was destroyed by scandal, Ena Asakawa is intrigued when her colleague Takuro suggests that a notorious serial killer on death row may have been falsely convicted. Discovering the truth would not only serve justice but also help Ena revive her career and recover her sense of self-worth.

When Ena and Takuro open Pandora’s Box in their fight to uncover the truth, what is left? Hope – or disaster?

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