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Home > Screenings > Bavaria Media International > Maleficius - A.I. will end you

Director: Thomas Bohn

Producer: SWR

Executive Producer: Nils Reinhardt

Writer: Thomas Bohn

Cast: Ulrike Folkerts, Lisa Bitter, Sebastian Bezzel, Gregor Bloéb

Genres: Drama, TV Movie

Demographics: 18+


A dead body in the river unleashes a waterfall of surreal connections among gritty reality, sterile fantasy and a thrilling crime spree cover up. What seemed a clear case of suicide becomes even more absurd when the corpse of another employee is found. They are all connected via an experimental neuroscience laboratory. Detectives follow leads pointing toward the arrogant and ambitious, Nobel Prize-winning lead scientist and mentor of the second victim. In a winding patchwork of leads toward murder, accident, accomplices, motive and ego we enter a world of futurism – how humans are increasingly augmented or even replaced by machines. What is the price a human life?