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Director: Matt Wicks

Producer: Tom Bowman and Matt Wicks

Executive Producer: Nick Mirsky

Genres: Entertainment

People: Matt Wicks, Nick Mirsky, Tom Bowman and Matt Wicks

6 x 60min

A house isn't a home without a dog. There are nearly nine million dogs in Britain – but finding the right homes for them isn’t always easy. Set inside a rural British Dog Rescue Centre famous for its commitment to matching homeless dogs with new owners, this series bears witness to the joy, comedy and pathos of the human-dog dating experience. Each of the eight programmes records the arrivals of unwanted pets complete with heart-rending tales of abandonment. At the same time, they tell stories of dog-hungry humans – families, couples, singletons – all carrying their own baggage of poignant and touching backstory and hoping their lives might be transformed by the introduction of a new four-legged friend. The climax of each story is the theatre of the meet. Multiple fixed cameras mounted inside a special pen observe every beat of the first meetings between the dogs and their prospective new owners. Will the nervous dog come out of its shell? Will there be a connection? Will lives be changed forever?