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Home > Screenings > Australian Children's Television Foundation > Worst Year of My Life, Again

Director: Pino Amenta, Darren Ashton, John Hartley

Producer: Bernadette O’Mahony, Ross Allsop

Executive Producer: Bernadette O’Mahony, Ross Allsop

Writer: Mark Brotherhood, Brendan Luno, Peter Mattessi, Kirsty Fisher, Sam Carroll

Cast: Ned Napier, Laurence Boxhall, Tiarnie Coupland

Genres: Comedy, Kids

Demographics: Children, Family

13 x 24 minute episodes

They tell you school days are the best years of your life. But what if they weren’t? And what if you woke up one morning to discover you had to relive the most excruciating 12 months of high school all over again? Worst Year of My Life, Again! is a comedy series for every child who’s tried to take control of their life.

Alex King has had a horrible year - humiliated by his teachers, targeted by bullies and embarrassed by attempts to impress the most popular girl in school, Nicola Grey. So when he wakes up on his birthday to discover that somehow time has reset itself, he can’t believe he must relive every miserable moment of the past 12 months once more.

At first Alex is horrified by the prospect. But slowly he begins to see the possibilities it throws up. If the universe has decreed he gets a second chance at this year then maybe this time he can get it right… maybe this time he can make it the best year of his life and win over the girl of his dreams… or at the very least, bearable! And so with the help of his closest friends – Simon Birch and Maddy Kent – that’s exactly what he’s going to try and do.

Worst Year of My Life, Again! is a comedy about friendship, destiny and second chances.