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Director: Julie Kalceff

Producer: Kirsty Stark, Kate Croser

Executive Producer: Bernadette O’Mahony

Writer: Julie Kalceff

Cast: Evie Macdonald, Isabel Burmester, Elena Liu, Jo Hunt, Brenna Harding

Genres: Kids

Demographics: Children, Family

4 x 24 minute episodes. Also available: 1 x 17 min stand-alone episode

It’s 12 year-old Hannah Bradford’s first year of high school. Hannah experiences all the excitement and fear associated with this transition, but her first day of high school is even more significant: it’s the first day she will wear a girl’s uniform to school and go by her chosen name, rather than the boy’s name she was given at birth.

First Day shows Hannah finding her way around a new school, making new friendships, and getting stuck into her homework. As a transgender girl, Hannah not only has to navigate the challenges that come with starting a new school but find the courage to live as her most authentic self.