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Director: Issaac Elliot, Keiran Watson-Bonnice, Johanna Garvin

Producer: Nicholas Colla, Chris Hocking, Tom Davies, Eliza Hull, Emily Bull, Toni Malone

Executive Producer: Donna Andrews, Stu Connolly

Writer: Nicolette Minster, Johanna Garvin, Holly Lyons

Genres: Kids

Demographics: Children, Family

3 x 20 minute Short Films

Rocky and Me, follows the story of 11-year old Stella, a girl living with Cerebral Palsy, who gets her first wheelchair, and along with it, her independence. Stella names her first set of wheels ‘Rocky’. This wheelchair means Stella can finally keep up with her mates, giving her a sense of freedom and confidence that she’s never experienced before. Stella is a passionate swimmer, but until now she only swims in secret. The new lifeguard, Roxie, offers to coach her – and Stella feels like she has something to prove to her classmates. Based on the true misadventures of creator Johanna Garvin, Rocky & Me is an uplifting story with a universal message - nothing is impossible!

Written & Created by Johanna Garvin & Holly Lyons
Producer: Emily Bull & Toni Malone
Director: Johanna Garvin

And Then Something Changed tells the story of eight-year old Louis waking up to a school day where nothing is quite right. Gone are the motorised backpacks, electric stairs, self-dressing clothes and elevating floors that Louis relies on. In this film we discover what it’s like to be a child with Achondroplasia, a form of dwarfism, and what it’s like to navigate a world that isn’t built for you. Portraying a realistic and un-sensationalised representation of a ‘day in the life’ of Louis – through his reflections – explores a present-day world where accessibility is still an issue.

Created by Eliza Hull and Keiran Watson-Bonnice
Produced by Eliza Hull
Directed by: Keiran Watson-Bonnice
Executive Producers: Donna Andrews, Stu Connolly

The Legend of Burnout Barry, Wheely, Brent and Shay are an inseparable trio of teenagers, hell bent on having a good time and pushing the limits of whatʼs possible. When speed demon and record holder Josh ‘Wheely’ Wilson learns that there might be someone in town faster than him, he sets about finding an elusive legend by the name of Burnout Barry – to challenge him to a race. But when his obsession with being the record holder becomes more important than his friends, Wheely risks losing more than just the title.

Created by Isaac Elliott, Nicolette Minster, Nicholas Colla
Directed by Issaac Elliot
Written by Nicolette Minster
Produced by Nicholas Colla, Chris Hocking, Tom Davies

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Further episodes of this show

  • Rocky and Me
  • And Then Something Changed
  • The Legend of Burnout Barry