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Drama Quarterly


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Drama Quarterly

DQ is published four times a year as a high-quality coffee table print publication with a companion iPad edition, reaching all corners of the world. It focuses on all aspects of the scripted business as the renaissance in the genre continues.

Editorial includes interviews with writers, showrunners, producers, financiers, talent, agents, broadcasters, digital platforms and distributors, while also carrying in-depth genre articles that put the international business into perspective.

DQ provides an inside track on effective creative and commercial strategies from the best in the business. If you are interested in drama, then this magazine is for you, whether you are in the business now, or hope to be some day.

Please note that Auto Renewal is enabled by default on all C21Media subscriptions and your payment details will be securely stored by our payment processing partner to enable continuous payment authority. You can opt out anytime by contacting the Subscriptions Team on +44 (0)20 7729 7460.

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Price: £0.01

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