Content Quebec On Demand Digital Premiere
The Sketch Artist (Portrait-Robot)
This is the team assigned to solve a laundry list of sordid crimes across the city of Montreal; homicides, disappearances, sexual assaults, kidnapping, robberies and terrorism. The Unit also tackles cold cases that have been set aside, so that justice will finally be served, even if old wounds are opened in the process.
In addition to using her talents to create her composite sketches, Eve also plays an informal investigative role within the team, because she also has a knack for reading people, specifically their non-verbal lies and slip-ups. Eve is able to catch details that others do not notice, the way an artist often sees things in a work that escape the view of ordinary people. Also as Eve is not a uniformed officer, witnesses are often more comfortable confiding in her.
The return of her ex to Montreal will also force her to reopen a very personal cold case, that of the disappearance of her son William, then six months old. For five years, Eve has been secretly imagining and sketching the faces that her son could have today, in the hope of finding him one day.
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