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Decade for adapting

As LA-based prodco and distributor RMVistar celebrates its 10th anniversary this year, founder Rose-Marie Vega reveals how it has had to adapt to a fast-changing industry and what the future holds.

Rose-Marie Vega

The TV business has seen more than its fair share of upheaval over the past decade, ranging from the emergence of streaming to calls for increased diversity in front of and behind the camera, and that’s before we even got to the Covid-19 pandemic.

All of these factors impacted on Rose-Marie Vega, CEO and founder of LA-based prodco and distributor RMVistar. “The boom of the platforms; that’s when I recognised that I could no longer just wait for the next big series to represent, I had to start creating something that was my own,” she remembers.

Vega previously worked for Hollywood studios, networks and distribution companies before founding her own in 2011. Like many other indies, hers had to move from distributing finished tape to development and production, in a bid to “stay current.”

For instance, RMVistar has announced a partnership with Argentina’s Mr Bug Studio on the development of a new sci-fi series titled Eloize, to which RMVistar holds the global rights. The show is set in a time when humanity has lost the ability to dream but an app allows people not only to regain access to the dream world but also to see other people’s dreams.

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