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Jones out as Target restructures

Ian Jones, MD of UK-based producer/distributor Target Entertainment, is leaving the group with no job to go to, as part of a recession-forced restructure.

Jones is set to depart the company in the next few weeks, but will continue to work alongside Target CEO Alison Rayson until then. Rayson said she had been forced to make structural changes to ensure the company will be “well-positioned” once the economic recovery begins.

“I’m particularly sorry that as a result of this Ian Jones will be leaving us,” she added. “Ian and I have worked very closely together over the last 18 months and he has made an invaluable contribution to the business.”

Jones, who joined Target from National Geographic Television International just 18 months ago, said he was looking forward to new challenges. “Unfortunately, neither Alison nor I could have anticipated the severity of the economic crisis and the impact it would have on our industry,” he added.

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