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Globo takes on NBCU format

Brazilian broadcaster Globo will make a local version of My Kid Would Never Do That after buying the format from NBCUniversal International Formats (NBCUIF).

Ana Langenberg

The show first aired on NBC News’ news magazine show Dateline. The Brazilian version (titled Meu Filho Nunca Faria Isso) will also air as a segment on Globo’s news programme Fantástico.

My Kid Would Never Do That uses hidden cameras to capture children reacting to difficult scenarios when they think nobody is watching. Some examples are kids confronting cyber bullies and dealing with dangerous strangers.

“My Kid Would Never Do That is such a fascinating format, perfect for family viewing,” said Ana Langenberg, senior VP of format sales and production at NBCUIF.

Jorge Espírito Santo, Fantástico’s artistic director, added: “My Kid Would Never Do That is the type of format that embraces Fantástico’s purpose and also brings up important family issues as well as different points of views and beliefs that clash.”


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