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CJ ENM sets up content business division, promotes Seo and Kim in restructure

Jangho Seo (left) and Sebastian Kim

South Korean entertainment company CJ ENM has established a new content business division and promoted Jangho Seo to executive VP and Sebastian Kim to VP.

The new arm will include an international content business department, led by Kim, who was previously head of sales at CJ ENM. He will report to Seo, whose previous position was head of content business at the group.

The international sales team will now be part of the international content business department.

Additionally, the existing content distribution strategy team and domestic content sales team will report to the division, alongside the sports business department.

Described by CJ ENM as an organisational upgrade, the restructure comes as the entertainment company continues to grow the global footprint of its content.

Seo said: “With this enhanced structure and talented teams across the division, we are poised to strengthen our partnerships and bring exceptional content to audiences worldwide.”

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