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Canal+ in Poland picks up preschool series Mia & Codie, Nina & Olga and Milo S2

Milo uses roleplay to explore the world of jobs

Canal+ in Poland has acquired preschool series Mia & Codie, Nina & Olga and the second season of Milo from Spain’s DeAPlaneta Entertainment.

The Vivendi-owned pay TV company has also renewed season one of Milo, which will start broadcasting again on its MiniMini channel in July. S2 will premiere later in the year, alongside Nina & Olga and Mia & Codie.

Coproduced by DeAPlaneta Entertainment and Fourth Wall in the UK, Milo (52×11’ per season) follows the adventures of a cat and his friends who use roleplay to explore the world of jobs.

Mia & Codie, coproduced by US- and Canada-based Moody Studios and Epic Story Media and Relish Studios in Canada, is an animated comedy with two 52×11’ seasons in production. The show teaches kids pre-coding skills through the adventures of a little girl and the robot she built to be the little brother she had always wanted.

Coproduced by Italy’s Enanimation and Rai Ragazzi and Australian prodco Kreiworks Entertainment, Nina & Olga (52×7’) is based on the book series Olga the Cloud by Nicoletta Costa, about the adventures of a little girl and her cloud best friend. A second 52×7’ season is in production.

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