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BFI invests $2.6m in UK production sector via latest round of Global Screen Fund grants

Cantilever’s The Amazing Maurice

The British Film Institute (BFI) has made 26 new awards through its UK Global Screen Fund, which will see indie producers benefit from a further £2.15m (US$2.66m) of government financing from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.

The money comes from the £7m-per-year-fund’s international business development strand, which is designed to help UK companies achieve new business partnerships, enhance their profile and reach in the global marketplace and increase revenue generation through export and international expansion. It has awarded over £9.1m to date.

Support is awarded in the form of non-recoupable grants ranging from £50,000 to £200,000.

The recipients of the latest round of funding include Cantilever Group, best known for 2022’s The Amazing Maurice, which has just launched a feature animation distribution company called Kazoo Films; Elation Pictures; Escape Plan Productions; Finely Crafted Media, which trades as Architect; Golden Arrow Pictures; Jeva Films; Neon Films; and Unified Theory Productions.

Also receiving funding are 4Pi Productions, Air Street Films, Causeway Pictures, Empress Films, Fireblade Software, Flickerpix, Hazimation, Hyper Luminal Games, Kailash Films, Keelworks, Me & You Productions, Moonriver TV, Second Home Studios, Sylver Entertainment, Walk on Air Films, We Are Anagram, Wired Productions and Yeti Media.

Alongside the latest round of awards, the UK Global Screen Fund has published its Multi-Year Evaluation, which looks into the process, impact and economic value of the fund from 2021 to 2024. According to the BFI, the evaluation found that every £1 of funding generates £22 of net benefit.

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