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ATM Grupa’s Andrzej Muszyński talks Polish market dynamics, rights retention

Today, on the last day of Content Warsaw, we hear from Andrzej Muszyński, CEO of leading Polish prodco ATM Grupa, about the growth of its scripted business, expansion into other genres, and challenges presented by Viaplay’s exit from originals.

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Andrzej Muszyński is CEO of ATM Grupa, Poland’s biggest independent production company, behind hundreds of hours of programming each year for local channels and international streamers.

The company is behind recent Netflix young adult drama Absolute Beginners and Harlan Coben thriller The Woods, as well as HBO Europe’s first Polish original The Border, which travelled to Channel 4 in the UK and Amazon Prime Video in a number of other European countries.

Changes in ATM’s domestic market have seen the firm reset its relationship with national public broadcaster TVP and Viaplay’s exit from originals has also had a major impact.

Muszyński spoke with Louise Bateman about the company’s evolution and how it has responded to these dynamics, expanding into other genres and promoting discussion about rights retention for Polish producers.

C21FM is live 24/7, with a block of interviews starting at 10am BST every day HERE.

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