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Home > Marketplace > Pixcom > Hellfire Heroes 2

Director: Tyler Richardson, Emmanuelle Wiecha, Joe Wiecha, Geoffrey Uloth, Martin Paquette

Producer: Emmanuelle Wiecha

Executive Producer: Nicola Merola, Charles Lafortune, Sharone Ostrovsky, Sylvie Desrochers, David Klein, Jacquelin Bouchard

Writer: Riel Lazarus, David Shohet

Genres: Factual

Demographics: All audiences

16 x 60 minutes (2 seasons)

Hellfire Heroes II follows four fire departments across three provinces: Slave Lake and Edson in Alberta, Swift Current in Saskatchewan, and Port Alberni in British Columbia. Across diverse and vast areas of land, each episode follows multiple rural and urban fire departments as they respond to a relentless battery of emergency calls.

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