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Home > Marketplace > Pixcom > Adulthood (L'âge adulte)

Director: François Jaros (season 1), Guillaume Lonergan (season 2&3)

Producer: Nadine Dufour (season 1&2), Dominique Veillet (season 3)

Executive Producer: Nicola Merola, Charles Lafortune, Sylvie Desrochers, Jacquelin Bouchard

Writer: Guillaume Lambert

Cast: Mickaël Gouin, Guillaume Lambert, Mylène Mackay, Sarah-Anne Parent, Geneviève Boivin-Roussy, Fayolle Jean Jr., Richard Fréchette, Leïla Donabelle Kaze

Genres: Comedy, Drama

Demographics: 18-30, All audiences

24 x 10 min (3 seasons)

Season 1

Alex has it all: he's athletic, has a career, a fiancée, friends. He's always been the strong one in his family, "the perfect kid". Following a brief coma, he realizes he is no longer attracted to women, but to men… This change shocks his whole entourage. Adulthood takes us on a journey with the Noel Clan over a nine months period, from Alex's accident to Christmas Eve.

Season 2

A year and a half has gone by in our characters lives, that now we find themselves isolated in their own egocentrism. The day after their 30th birthday, the Noel twins receive very sad news regarding Bastien Thomas, Tom's ex boyfriend. This event will shake the Noel clan, forcing them to make contact again. Alex is now preparing the launch of his biography, Amelie just got back from a yoga retreat in Peru, Lucille-Maude searches more than ever for a sense of her own existence, whilst Virginie and Tom learn how to parent with their kid, Rosaire. Leonard on his end is living the dream with his young love, who he met in Guinea in the '70s. This releationship creates a clash between the Noel & Diallo families, that now they have no other choice but to get to know each other.

Season 3

A few months have passed in the lives of the Noël clan. Lucille-Maude returns from Africa and is the victim of a stupid, but serious accident. It’s chaos for the family, who hopes she will wake up from a coma. Amelie gives birth to her baby, but the newborn isn’t exactly what she and Alex expected. Tom, meanwhile, loses his way again. Without Lucille-Maude, everything goes into a tailspin, especially since Leonard is selling the family home. Shanel-Magali goes on a quest to unravel the Noël family mystery.

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