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Home > Marketplace > GAD > Strong, Beautiful & Healthy

Director: Bärbel Merseburger-Sill

Producer: Imagepool

Executive Producer: Bärbel Merseburger-Sill

Writer: Bärbel Merseburger-Sill

Genres: Documentary


In ancient times, a trained, muscular body was purely a man's thing.
Nowadays, it is considered an essential prerequisite for a healthy, long life for everyone.
From world-famous fitness icons such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jack LaLanne, Joseph Pilates, Pudgey Stockton to bodybuilders from the GDR we have learned that the current craze for strength training has always been a topic of interest and discussion in the 20th century.
And that muscular bodies can be as healthy as they are attractive.
So put on your sports gear and get ready to sweat!

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