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Home > Marketplace > Cineflix Rights > The Minister

Director: Nanna Kristín Magnúsdóttir, Arnór Pálmi Arnarson

Producer: Sagafilm

Executive Producer: Hilmar Sigurðsson, Kjartan Thor Thordarson, Ólafur Darri Ólafsson, Thorhallur Gunnarsson

Writer: Birkir Blær Ingólfsson, Björg Magnúsdóttir, Jónas Margeir Ingólfsson

Cast: Ólafur Darri Ólafsson, Aníta Briem, Þuríður Blær Jóhannsdóttir, Thor Kristjánsson

People: Aníta Briem, Arnór Pálmi Arnarson, Birkir Blær Ingólfsson, Björg Magnúsdóttir, Hilmar Sigurðsson, Jónas Margeir Ingólfsson, Kjartan Thor Thordarson, Nanna Kristín Magnúsdóttir, Ólafur Darri Ólafsson, Sagafilm, Thor Kristjánsson, Thorhallur Gunnarsson, Þuríður Blær Jóhannsdóttir

16 x 60 mins (2 seasons)

Politician. Poet. Prime Minister? Some have labelled Benedikt Ríkardsson an unorthodox radical; he calls himself an honest citizen of Iceland. Who better to be the voice of this great nation? Benedikt is not interested in power—he wants to listen to the people, change the country, and make it better. Radical or righteous? One thing is for sure, he will be a leader unlike any we’ve ever seen before.

Benedikt Ríkardsson takes a radical approach to politics, earning him the support of the Icelandic people. This takes the nation’s political establishment by storm, and Benedikt finds himself becoming the Chair of the Independence Party and Iceland’s Prime Minister. What the nation does not know, however, is that Benedikt is suffering from an underlying bipolar disorder. As his disorder worsens, the Prime Minister’s team and their allies are forced to endanger both the stability of the government and their private lives; some hide the illness while others abuse it.