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Riverwoods is the story of a fish that lives in the forest. And in the soil that feeds the forest. And in the predators, scavengers and even herbivores of the forest. Scotland’s Atlantic salmon - the King of Fish - is not only the ultimate angler’s prize, but a key building block in a complex forest ecosystem.
But in return, salmon need the support of a rich and diverse landscape that stretches far beyond the banks of the river. Over many centuries, the loss of Scotland’s natural woodlands, and much of the wildlife that shaped them, has profoundly changed our rivers and their ability to support the huge salmon runs that once flourished. Today, this magnificent creature so symbolic of Scotland’s spectacular, cascading rivers, is threatened like never before.
Riverwoods shines a light on the perilous state of Scotland’s salmon and tells the compelling story of an inextricable and extraordinary relationship, between fish and forest.
Working together, a group of expert scientists and talented visual storytellers, reveal how Scotland’s rivers have been greatly diminished but crucially, how they could be reborn through a shared vision of restoration and recovery.