98 eps x 60mins
Greece 1817. After four centuries of Ottoman rule, the spirit of revolt is finally rising across the land. In the region of Mani, two rival Greek clans of merchants and pirates join forces in the fight for freedom. Their truce is cemented through an arranged marriage - until tragedy hits and the union's firstborn disappears.
When the young maid Theofano has a vision that leads her to the infant, her discovery sparks accusations of witchcraft against her.
As Mani prepares for a new, deadly feud, Theofano must decide whether to continue her search for answers or conceal her growing suspicion that she is, as others, fear, a powerful witch, who can unite the clans against the oppressive Ottoman reign.
THE WITCH introduces international audiences to Greece’s southeastern peninsula of Mani, a region of stunning natural beauty, majestic castles and the home of the ancient Spartans. The series focuses on a less known but equally exciting period in Greek history, featuring a cast of compelling characters who fight to protect their land, arms, ships, and age-old customs as fiercely as their ancient ancestors.
THE WITCH introduces international audiences to Greece’s southeastern peninsula of Mani, a region of stunning natural beauty, majestic castles and the home of the ancient Spartans. Theseries focuses on a less known but equally exciting period in Greek history, featuring a cast of compelling characters who fight to protect their land, arms, ships, and age-old customs as fiercely as their ancient ancestors.