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Free@Last discovers The Glory of Love

Katharine Houghton and Sidney Poitier in 1967’s Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?

UK indie Free@Last TV has boarded a series chronicling a unique moment in the history of the film industry and the Civil Rights movement in the US.

Created and written by Ray Rackham, The Glory of Love will explore the making of classic Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn film Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?, juxtaposed with the Supreme Court’s 1967 striking down of the anti-miscegenation laws across 17 states, ending the ban on interracial marriage.

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? was one of the few films of its time to depict interracial marriage, telling the story of a white, middle-class family struggling to welcome a black man into their lives.

The filming of the movie coincided with the Loving vs Virginia case, which led to the Supreme Court’s decision to make it unconstitutional for individual states to discriminate against mixed marriages.

The Glory of Love will be an 8×60′ series.


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