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41E preps superhero franchise

Superhero Summer Camp will launch in 2020

US animation company 41 Entertainment has revealed details of a new superhero franchise featuring two related action/comedy properties.

The franchise will consist of the series Superhero Summer Camp (52×11′) and Superhero Pets (52×11′), which will be launched in fall 2020 and spring 2021 respectively.

Superhero Summer Camp is set in a one-of-a-kind sleepaway camp where the children of superheroes spend the summer learning how to call up and control their familial superpowers. It is aimed at four- to seven-year-olds.

Superhero Pets, meanwhile, follows the adventures of six four-footed friends with superpowers, including a cat that can turn invisible, a mind-reading hare, a flying dog and a super-smelling tortoise.

The two series, illustrated by Mel Bontrager, were created by executive producer Allen Bohbot and based on an original idea by Kaaren Lee Brown, who developed the series for television alongside and Kiersten Halstead.

“Both titles focus on fun and engaging superhero adventures that require teamwork, problem solving and a sense of humour,” said Halstead.


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