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Home > Screenings > Dori Media Group > Can You Face It

Genres: Entertainment, Factual, Format

Demographics: 18-30, 30-50, Female, Male

People: João Gandarez, Silvia Alberto

Shows: Can You Face It

Companies: Dori Media Group, Dori Media International, Lotus

13 x 45 mins

We all think we know what people think of us, especially those closest to us.
The question is… Can you face the revealing truths of what those nearest and dearest to you really think of you?

Are you willing to hear your families, neighbours, co-workers, parents and friends’ true feelings about your annoying little habits and quirks?

“Can You Face It?” Is a light-hearted factual entertainment format, where one person gets a chance to hear for the first time what people really think of them, in order to fix their annoying little habits that irritate their loved ones.

Our brave participant is invited into the "white room" to view brutally honest video messages from those closest to them. Once they learn the cold hard truth, our protagonist is given three challenges that force them to conquer their habits and improve their relationships.

Portuguese version produced by Mónica Neves.