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Home > Screenings > C21TV > On its own terms

Genres: Documentary, Factual

People: Danny Fenton

Tags: Talking Shop

Shows: Relentless, Scam City

Countries: UK

ZigZag joined forces with Banijay in 2010 but quickly bought itself out of the deal. Fenton tells Talking Shop what happened and outlines his aims for the company in the future.

He said: "We made a concerted effort a couple of years ago to put more development effort into formats. Our feeling was that factual paid the bills but formats was where we were going to really grow the company. Relentless was the first fruits of our labour.

"Everybody wants that break-out hit, but it’s what separates a great company from a good company. Often that’s in the format area and it’s why we are investing in making that happen."

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