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Home > Screenings > Autentic Distribution > Children of the Sun - Wild Bees & Butterflies

Director: Jan Haft

Producer: Nautilusfilm,BR,ARTE,WDR,ORF

Writer: Jan Haft

Genres: Documentary

People: Arte, BR, Jan Haft, Nautilusfilm, ORF, WDR

Shows: Children of the Sun - Wild Bees & Butterflies

Companies: Autentic Distribution GmbH

2 x 52'

Discover nature’s little helpers as they drift from flower to flower, pollinating as they go. Bees and butterflies play an important role in the pollination of plants and the production of crops for human and animal consumption.

Wild Bees:
Most people associate honey producing insects with the name "BEE". Few realize that there are over 560 different species of bees - most of them live their lives as “busy as a bee," some “abuse" other insects and others are even known to be murderers.The film Children of the sun - Wild Bees shows the incredible diversity and the stunning adaptations of our "BEES" to various habitats and diverse living conditions. Fascinating fights, sensational performances, imposing structures and colourful creatures – the world of Wild Bees offers all of this and more.

Butterflies are surely the most fancied species of insect. Their beautiful colouring and their graceful flight appeal to everyone. There are close to 4000 types of Butterflies – today many of them are endangered due to the loss of their habitat. What and who is responsible for this loss? Children of the sun – Butterflies takes you up close and personal to these sun loving beauties and explains why it is crucial for us humans to preserve and provide habitats so the survival of these delicate animals can be ensured.