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  • Topic seeks ‘provocative’ content (Published in News) 23-01-2020
    NATPE: First Look Media’s US streaming platform Topic was here at Natpe Miami this week looking for “provocative” programming with a strong point of view.
  • It’s not just TV (Published in Perspective) 19-02-2018
    HBO held court at Sundance last month but Sheila Nevins’ departure from the documentary giant marks a turning point for the global non-fiction industry.
  • Points of contention (Published in Perspective) 31-10-2016
    Feathers have been ruffled in Canada, where regulators have redefined what it means exactly to be a ‘Canadian’ production.
  • Stiff upper lip time (Published in Perspective) 12-10-2016
    C21’s North America correspondent reflects on the international reaction to June’s Brexit vote, and what the UK television industry needs to do as it prepares for Mipcom.
  • A killer serial (Published in Perspective) 30-10-2015
    With Serial returning for its second season next month, what can television producers learn from the success of this hit audio podcast?